JROTC - The Malemute Battalion
"Enter to Learn, Exit to Lead"
The Lathrop H.S. JROTC Malemute Battalion is a student-led program with a cadet chain of command and associated staff sections. It is made up of approximately 95 cadets; at least 10 percent of the total student population. We are structured similar to an Army organization, incorporating military discipline and drill to support instructional goals. The program is designed to prepare high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of the benefits of citizenship. Classroom and outside activities (service-learning projects, team activities, and volunteering) become opportunities to acquire knowledge, discipline and a sense of responsibility. Successful participation in the JROTC program better prepares students for their life after high school. The JROTC instructors are not recruiters for the Army and at no point attempt to enlist your cadet for military service.
Accredited Special Purpose Program
As an accredited Special Purpose Program, JROTC must adhere to AdvancED’s Standards of Quality. In 2015, JROTC implemented the JROTC Program Accreditation (JPA) evaluation program. The JPA provides a holistic review of cadets’ and instructors’ performance with emphasis on documenting continuous improvement. Lathrop H.S. JROTC continues to earn the highest possible rating in the JPA inspection!
- Air Rifle Marksmanship Team
- Raider (physical fitness) Team
- Drill and Ceremony / Color Guard / Sabre Team
- Archery Team
- CyberPatriot Team
- Malemute UAS Training Team (MUTT)
- Robotics Team
- JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) Team
Air Rifle Marksmanship Team
Raider (physical fitness) Team
Drill and Ceremony / Color Guard / Sabre Team
Archery Team
CyberPatriot Team
Malemute UAS Training Team (MUTT)
Robotics Team
JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) Team
Staff Directory
C/MAJ Troy Lucero
907-456-7794 X17552
Malemute Battalion Commander
C/SFC Jordon Reed (Acting)
907-456-7794 X17552
Malemute Battalion Command Sergeant Major
907-456-7794 X17552
Malemute Battalion Executive Officer
LTC(R) Pete Bonin
907-456-7794 X17551
Senior Army Instructor
1SG(R) Phillip Maxim
907-456-7794 X17550
Army Instructor
Program Resources
- Color Guard Request Form
- JROTC Program Syllabus
- Malemute Battalion Sponsorship Letter & Form
- Air Rifle Safety Test Study Guide
Thank You to Our Sponsors
- VFW Post 3629 - Platinum
- Interior Graphics & Printing - Gold
- Midnight Sun Scouts of America - Bronze
- Denali Industrial Supply, Inc.- Bronze
- Doyon Utilities - Bronze
- Fairbanks Curling Club - Bronze
- Tanana Valley Youth Sports - Bronze
- Street Sounds - Member
American Legion Post #57
Fairbanks Veteran Center
VFW Post #3629
Seekins Ford Dealership
Interior Alaska Shopping
Prospector Plumbing and Heating
Northern Industrial Training
Superior Hardwoods
Northland Wood
Companions, Inc