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After School Program


Welcome to Lathrop After the Bell


What is Lathrop After the Bell?

     Lathrop After the Bell is a 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Funded After-School Program. We offer tutoring, lab work, and test prep in academic labs, as well as a variety of enrichment classes.  The L.A.B. program is meeting in person Monday - Thursday from 2:00 - 4:00.  We will offer a Freshmen Focused Tutoring Lab each semester.  At Lathrop High School, we have made Freshmen a high priority. It is critical to school success that students gain all six credits in their first year of high school - our program is designed to support this important goal!
In addition, students will have an opportunity to gain credit for participating in LAB courses.  Lathrop After the Bell Enrichment courses are based on student interest and request.  We want to keep students connected, supported, and engaged in learning, before and after the bell!

Check out what is happening after the bell! 


 L.A.B. Fall 2023 Schedule

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Check out what our students and families have to say.

LAB External Evaluation Data

Please scan if you would like more information about Lathrop After the Bell.


LAB Information Request


For more information about Lathrop After the Bell

Please contact Alicia Sundborg the 21st CCLC Site Coordinator:

 907-456-7794 ext. 17675


Need More Info?

 We are here for you!




  • Get connected to our enrichment classes!