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Are you part of the Free or Reduced Lunch program? Speak to your Counselor in the Counseling Office to see if you qualify for a fee waiver, or fee reduction.  

Stressing over testing? Check out these helpful Test-Taking Tips  

PSAT (Preliminary SAT)

The PSAT is administered yearly in October. Check in will begin at 7:15 am in the Lathrop Library.   

Sign Up for the 2024 PSAT here:
This form is also available on ParentSquare, Remind, the Daily Bulletin, and your student email account. Parents are unable to access this form, students will need to sign up using their student Google account.

Pay online through your POWERSHCOOL Account or in person at the Office: Deadline for payment and sign up  is Friday, October 11 at 2:30 pm. The PSAT will be digital this year.

The PSAT will be digital again this year. Please bring your Chromebook fully charged. 

Students taking the PSAT will need to come to the Library during Extension on Tuesday,Wednesday, or Thursday to check devices, download the app, and register for a CollegeBoard account prior to taking the PSAT. This digital readiness test is mandatory.

For more information, please contact your Counselor.

ASVAB - is offered in the Fall and the Spring. Check your email for the Sign up sheet.

Our Fall ASVAB will be offered on November 6, 2024 in the LHS Library. Doors will open at 7:15 am. Check your email for the Sign up sheet or come to Counseling.

The Spring 2025 ASVAB will be offered on March 5 , 2025 in the LHS Library. Doors will open at 7:15 am. Check your email for the Sign up sheet or come to Counseling.

ASVAB Testing Prep:

ASVAB Military Test Prep
ASVAB Test Prep

Free PSAT and ASVAB Preparation:
Exam Focus Website

A copy of the 2024-25 ACT/SAT dates & deadlines sheet is located at the information kiosks in the hall by the office. This sheet lists the differences between the two exams. Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to take the ACT and SAT as many times as they can to achieve their highest scores. Keep in mind, the APS (Alaska Performance Scholarship) requires a minimum ACT or SAT Score. More information and study guides available here.

If you are using an ACT Fee Waiver or a SAT Fee Waiver, you can NOT register for the late registration dates. 
ACT/SAT Waived for some schools (Including UAF) Most schools are waiving the ACT/SAT testing requirements for Fall 2021 College applications. This is not a blanket statement as each school has their own requirements, so please check with your school on their current requirements and policies. If applying to UAF, due to COVID-19, ACT scores will be waived for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Click here to register for the ACT

Click here to register for the SAT

UAF Current Testing Availability   

Click here for UAF Testing Services Website

 Please email to inquire about proctoring services.

There are a multitude of SAT and ACT Test Prep programs online that incorporate math, reading, and writing study guides, vocabulary flash cards, practice quizzes / explanations, and simulated practice tests. The following are a few that have been suggested to our staff.

Khan Academy- FREE SAT Prep Help
ACT Academy (NEW!)
Free SAT Review
Act Practice Questions

Free SAT and ACT Help
Free ACT resources:
Free SAT resources:
All 120 subjects:

AK STAR for all 9th and 10th grade students:
The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) is the new state summative assessment.  It is replacing the Performance Evaluation for Alaska's Schools (PEAKS) for the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics assessments starting in the spring of 2024. This assessment is administered to students in grades 3-9, and assesses their understanding of the Alaska ELA and Mathematics Standards adopted in 2012. Additionally, the Alaska Science Assessment is administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 10, and assesses students’ understanding of the Alaska Science Standards adopted in 2019.

Absolutely NO electronic devices, besides those used for testing, will be allowed in the testing environment.  This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, laptops, iPads, e-readers, smart watches, fitness trackers, etc. Please be mindful of this and ask your child to leave personal electronic devices at home on the days they are scheduled to test.  If an electronic device is medically necessary, contact the principal to discuss this.  

AP Testing
This link will direct you to the AP Exam Registration, Costs, Dates & Times. By taking an AP course and scoring successfully on the related AP Exam, you can save on college expenses; most colleges and universities nationwide offer college credit, advanced placement, or both, for qualifying AP Examscores.
Each university has their own Credit Policy for the minimum score requirement of an AP exam. 

CLEP - College-Level Examination Program
According to CollegeBoard, Each CLEP exam costs $89.

Interested in the Alaska Works Training Partnership. Click here for more information. It is recommended by the Job Center and NineStar staff that you take the practice assessment first to better prepare for the WorkKeys® test. The pre-assessment program is called ACT curriculum.

 Questions? Visit the Counseling Suite!