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Trades and Unions

The School To Apprenticeship Applications are open: For more information see your counselor or contact Julie Luddington with the CTE Department: 

Julie Luddington
Career & Technical Education Technician
(907) 452-2000 x11538

Alaska Apprenticeship OpportunitiesAre you interested in a career in a high growth industry such as Healthcare, Mining or Oil and Gas production? Then Registered Apprenticeship may be for you. Registered Apprenticeship allows you to “earn while you learn”, through a combination of on-the-job training and classroom instruction, you will achieve a nationally recognized certificate with journey level status.

School to Apprenticeship

While in training, you will earn a regular paycheck and benefits. As your skills increase, wages will progressively increase.


It is recommended by the Job Center and NineStar staff that you take the practice assessment first to better prepare for the WorkKeys® test, the pre-assessment program is called ACT curriculum.

Alaska Works Partnership - Apprenticeships and local training opportunities!

Affiliated Unions of the Alaska AFL-CIO

AFGE District 11

Alaska Professional Firefighters Association

Boilermakers Local 502

IAFF Local 1264

IAFF Local 1324

IATSE Local 918

IBEW 1547

UNITE HERE Local 878

Ironworkers Local 751

Laborers Local 341

Laborers Local 942

Machinists, Local 1690

Machinists Local 601

MEBA, District 1

Millwrights Local 1501

Seafarers, Alaska Fisheries Division

Alaska Nurses Association, AFT

Operating Engineers Local 302

Operative Plasterers & Cement Masons Local 867

Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters

Piledrivers & Divers Local 2520

Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 367

Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 375

Sprinklerfitters Local 669

Public Safety Employees Association

APWU Local 2756

Public Employees Local 71


Anchorage Municipal Employees Association, AFSCME Local 16 

Roofers and Waterproofers Local 189

Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, Local Union 23-SM

Alaska Teamsters, Local 959*

United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1496


Anchorage Education Association*

*Not nationally affiliated, but locally affiliated.