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Students and Parents: The following links provide you with access to important information like finding the right college or university for you, paying for it, completing applications, writing essays, enrolling as a student athlete, etc. There is a wealth of information here. Stay organized by using this  College Admissions Organizer to keep you on track. Happy searching. 

College Search

UAF Inside Out Day:
 Apply for UAF on the spot at Inside Out Day and they'll waive your application fee!

UAF College Scholarship 101 Event:  This event is hosted by the UAF Community & Technical College located at  604 Barnette Street.

UA SCHOLARSHIPS (INTERNAL): After you've been accepted to a UA School (UAF, UAA, UAS) you can apply for internal scholarships through the UA system. Contact the UAF Admissions office at:

ALASKA CAREER INFORMATION SYSTEM(AKCIS): AKCIS is a comprehensive career guidance system that provides information and exploration tools to people throughout Alaska. It is great for choosing two-year and four-year colleges, graduate schools, and financial aid. It assists students with occupational and employment information and research. Oh yeah, and scholarships! When viewing this site use these keywords:

Site Name: Lathrop High School
Username: lathrophs
Password: 4Student

LISTING OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES: This site is an alphabetical listing of American colleges and universities with links directly to the school's website. 

MY MAJORS: For students who need help picking a major. Includes links to college departments and professional websites.

How to Prepare for College: Even freshmen think ahead and plan for college. 

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: This site, Thinking College Early, is a great resource for information on getting ready for college early.

REALIZING EDUCATIONAL AND CAREER HOPES - R.E.A.C.H. University of Iowa's certificate program for students with multiple learning and cognitive difficulties. Visit the website at

Japanese Language School of Philadelphia, PA: Study in "Japan." This is an alternative choice for your students to earn a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree studying in Japan. The reason I started supporting foreign students is because there are many students who cannot afford expensive American/Canadian college tuition fees, and additionally are very interested in Japan and Japanese culture.  


FASTWEBAn excellent website for finding scholarships.

FINANCIAL AID TIPS: Write scholarship essays that will captivate the attention of the award committee. 

SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID: A large list of scholarships for you to peek through - make sure to do your own research, too!

University of Alaska Schools

UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKSWhen you decide UAF is where you want to begin - or continue - your college education, you can apply using the online application. 

UA SCHOLARS PROGRAMThe UA Scholars Program offers a $12,000 scholarship to the top 10% of the graduates from qualified Alaska high schools each year. 

UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ANCHORAGE HONORS PROGRAM: The University Honors Program offers students special benefits, including personalized advising, Honors Floor residence, etc. Students who join the University Honors Program have the opportunity to participate in special undergraduate research and creative activities and will receive tailored advising in these areas.


THE NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER: Is a site that can aid students in easily accessing vital information through the registration, academic, and amateurism certification processes. The NCAA has three divisions.  Students who aspire to compete in an NCAA Division I or Division II school should register with the Eligibility Center during their junior year of high school.  All of these students must regularly talk with their counselors to review whether or not their course choices meet NCAA requirements. It is important to understand and note that parents/guardians and students are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all NCAA requirements are met. Starting the student's Freshmen year in high school, students should talk with Counselors about their post-secondary athletic goals. If a D1 College is of interest to students, Counselors MUST know this information Freshmen year. 

Students who plan to earn some of their high school credits through a correspondence program MUST talk with their counselors since some "outside credit" courses may not qualify according to NCAA rules. 

NCAA Requirements

Education-Impacting Disabilities

Applications and Letters of Recommendation

COMMON APPLICATION: This site offers a common application which is the recommended form of 414 selective, independent secondary educational institutions. Students who complete the application save time when it is submitted to multiple institutions.

Personal Recommendation Forms: Can be found here. Fill this out once, and Ms. Alexander at the College and Career Center within the Counseling Office can make you copies. If you're expecting someone to write a letter of recommendation for you, you are strongly encouraged to fill out this form (some teachers will not write a letter of recommendation without it!)

Student Loan Information

Student Loan Debt Report

WUE Schools and Information

WESTERN UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE PROGRAM: WUE is the Western Undergraduate Exchange, a program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Through WUE, students in western states may enroll in many two-year and four-year college programs at a reduced tuition level: oftentimes only 150 percent of the institution's regular resident tuition. 

IN ADDITION: Information from some guidebooks on college options can be access online at the following sites:,,
Another site that can help you in deciding on colleges is

These sites can help you identify colleges that match your interests and preferences:

College Board Online:
Planning for College Destination: Wiredscholar:


We'd like to thank you for your interest in sharing your post-secondary opportunity with the students here at Lathrop High School.

Here at Lathrop High School, having students in their class and receiving instruction time is the highest priority for us. This means that it is most beneficial to our students and staff for visits from post-secondary options to be scheduled during our lunchtime (10:26 - 10:57 am M & F, 10:50-11:20 am T, W, Th). If this time period isn't possible, please understand that the number of students may be limited.

To schedule a visit, please get in touch with any of our wonderful staff members by calling:  907-456-7794