Welcome to your Senior Year, Class of 2025!
Senior Information
Please take a look and make sure to turn in your Senior Photos, and order your cap and gown! That deadline is November 22! Feel free to ask your counselor or Ms. Alexander questions on any of this!
Senior Photos and Quotes due November 22, 2024. Don't let this important deadline pass you by!
Cap and Gown orders are DUE November 22, too!
Seniors and their people! Here is information on deadlines and resources for graduation and Life after Lathrop that counselors have scheduled for October 1, 2024. 2024 SENIOR Class Meeting.
Senior Tidbits:
Seniors! There are things you should be working on outside of school to prepare you for Life after Lathrop such as:
1. Scholarships - applying for scholarships is a great thing to do anytime they become available.
Here are the links for websites with scholarships and the FAFSA:
2. College Board https://www.
Have you signed up with REMIND yet?
One of the ways we communicate is via REMIND messages. Please subscribe to your class REMIND messages.
Please note, you do not need to download the REMIND app or have a smartphone to receive REMIND messages.
The Class Remind Codes are listed below:
Scroll to bottom of page for Transcript Requests
Just a quick check-in with some upcoming deadlines!
*Everything in purple is a hyperlink, so please click the links for additional information.
Post-Secondary Information
- FAFSA Help - Fireside Financial with UAF
- UAF Application- The University of Alaska Fairbanks has an online application that costs $50. If you qualify for Free or Reduced lunch, please email me, Ms. Alexander, ( about a NACAC waiver which can waive the application fee.
- ACT/SAT Deadlines and Registration - The next ACT deadline is coming soon! Do you qualify for Free or Reduced lunch? Contact Ms. Alexander, via email, to see if you're eligible for a fee-waiver.
-- Seniors, to receive the Alaska Performance Scholarship, you must take either the ACT or SAT by the deadline in early spring.
- Scholarships & Financial Aid Page (LHS Website) - The Lathrop's Scholarship and Financial Aid page is updated monthly with scholarship information and applications. Please review this page frequently and apply!
- The Postsecondary Planning Presentation is an excellent, interactive resource for all students to explore options for their Life After Lathrop. This presentation includes information regarding: FAFSA, ACT/SAT Updates, Scholarships, UAF Information, Campus Life, NCAA Eligibility, Trade Union Information, Trade Coordinator Contacts, Military Opportunities, Recruiter Contacts, Resume Writing Tips, Interviewing Techniques, the AKCIS Program, Interest Surveys, Career Planning and many more resources provided. Check it out!
- Senior Photos
- The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes will be November 22, 2024. Please contact Mrs. McGlothen and submit your photos before the deadline.
- The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes will be November 22, 2024. Please contact Mrs. McGlothen and submit your photos before the deadline.
- To Request a Transcript
Order your Lathrop High School Transcript online through Parchment (
What is Parchment?
Parchment is the most widely adopted digital credential service, allowing learners, academic institutions, and employers to request, verify, and share credentials in simple and secure ways. The platform has helped millions of people and thousands of schools and universities exchange more than 100 million transcripts and other credentials globally.
Need a Transcript Sent by Mail or Email?
Students Requesting Transcript(s)
Please with the following information:- Full Legal Name
- Date of Birth
- Year of expected graduation or current grade at Lathrop
- Total number of copies needed
- Do you want your ACT and/or SAT test scores released with your transcript?
- Please note yes or no (Yes, please include my ACT/SAT scores on my transcripts OR No thank you, please do not include my ACT/SAT scores on my transcripts)
- Will you be picking up the copies from LHS or would you like them mailed somewhere?
- Please designate whether you will PICK UP or need the transcripts MAILED - if mailed, please include the FULL address of the location you want the transcripts to be sent to.
- Please note if you'd like your OFFICIAL or UNOFFICIAL transcripts
- Final transcript requests cannot be fulfilled until May 21, 2024.
Parents/Guardians Requesting Transcript(s):
If you are a parent or guardian requesting a transcript for your student who is under the age of 18, you must also provide:- Your Full Name
- Your Phone Number
- Your Physical or Mailing Address
This will help us verify you in our records.
Did you know current students can access their transcript from PowerSchool?
You can acquire an Unofficial Transcript from your Student Account in PowerSchool.