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Incoming Freshmen

Welcome, future Malemutes!


Hello Future Malemutes,

We are so excited to welcome you to Lathrop High School in the Fall.  While you are preparing to take the big step into High School just remember that we are here for you!

First page of the PDF file: CopyofCounselorChangeRequest9


Freshman Family Night will be April 9, 2025 at 6:00 pm in Hering Auditorium. Please come for a short presentation, meet some Teachers, tour the building and meet your Counselor!

If you are interested in participating on any of our Malemute sports teams click here for the most recent list of Coaches along with the first practice date.

Note: High School does not have a required school supplies list that you have had in the past.  Instead, each Teacher you have will give you a Syllabus with all the information and materials you will need. So just stock up on the usual backpack, non-scuffing tennis shoes, pens, pencils, and a great attitude!

Malemutes, make it happen!